Arts & Business

Saturday 18. Nov 2023

Art inspires the economy! It encourages communication, breaks rules and challenges routines. It helps us as leaders and entrepreneurs to tackle transformation. On Saturday, artists will give us new perspectives.

Please be aware we are still finalize the program and we add more details within the next days for all topics.


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Dorothea Strauss, Transformation Expert & Curator

Mastering transformations with art: How we become better leaders.

Sat 18th, 10:00 - 11:15

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Raphael Hefti, Artist

Studio visit: Looking into the artist brain of Raphael Hefti.

Sat 18th, 11:45 - 13:00

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Art Market Insights: Mechanisms, perspectives and issues

Get a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the art market.

Sat 18th, 13:00 - 14:30

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Pixelwald – Product development with artists

Discover the Pixelwald installation at the Kunsthaus Zürich.

Sat 18th, 13:00 - 14:00 / 14:00 - 15:00

read and book session 1

read and book session 2